Tips to Play Roulette as a Beginner

Roulette is another type of game played in most casinos, and it’s a game of chance usually played at brick and mortar casinos and on online gambling sites. Though it may seem confusing to the beginners at first, the rules of roulette are very simple, you just have to bet on the number so the ball lands on it. Some bets are at higher odds than others. You can play this game anywhere in India, in places like online, tombola roulette at special terminals, fixed-odds betting terminals, and online. Let’s find out more about roulette for beginners.

How to play roulette as a beginner? 

So, before you know how to play roulette for beginners, you have to understand the gaming platform first. Roulette is played on a board with a spinning wheel that consists of varied numbers all around the border. When playing the game, the croupier will see that the wheel is rotated in a certain direction, and then place a small ball in the spinning wheel – so that it rotates in the exact opposite way. As the ball spins and jumps in the board, slowly the wheel comes to a slower motion and the ball finds a place to rest in this is called frets. One need to announce the winning number and if the ball is then seen in the winning number area, then you win the game.

Once a player wins, the croupier will start a new bet with another game. The losers from the first game will clear the table, and you can start placing the bets with chips.

Placing bets in roulette: 

At the time of betting on the game, you have to place cash or chips on the roulette table, and you can keep betting till the announcer says – it’s the end of your time to bet and play. If you are learning how to play roulette for beginners online or at a roulette terminal, you can select the amount you want to bet and then choose the numbers you want to try your luck on.

The roulette table: 

The numbers on the roulette wheel are from zero to thirty-six, and the numbers are colored alternatively in black and red, only zero colored in green. Some roulette tables have triple or double zeros, and extra zeros can change the bet, the more zero is on the table the odds will be worse. Whether you are playing online or live, bets can be made by placing the chips at several points on the table based on the odds, numbers, and bets.

Types of bets at roulette: 

When you are learning how to play roulette for beginners, you can try placing bets in different ways. Each type of bet in this game is classified either as an outside or an inside bet. Inside bets are placed inside the row of numbers at the center of the roulette table, and outside bets are placed around the edges of the table.

You can play roulette in a casino in India or online, but the safest way to start is by betting a small amount at first. This way if you lose there will be no hard feelings. 


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